Get to know the Triangle Exposure in Photography
Many of us after buying a good digital mirrorless DSLR digital camera, we are fixated on auto mode because it is easier to use and fast, but does not give users the creativity to take a picture.
The camera is basically a tool that is useful for capturing light through the camera sensor. The light that has entered the camera’s diaphragm is then translated by the sensor into an image. If the light received by the camera is lacking, the image will darken often and also under Exposed (EU), and if the light received by the camera is so much that the image will be too bright often called Over Exposed (OE).
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The famous photographer named Bryan Peterson, has written a book called Umderstanding Exposure which contains the basic concepts of the Exposure Triangle that are easy to understand. Each element in the photographic triangle is related to light, how the light enters, the amount of light intensity and how it interacts with the camera.

These three elements are:
- ISO- Sets how sensitive the camera sensor is to light.
- Aperture – Size of how much the lens is open when taking a photo.
- Shutter Speed – Long time to take pictures with the camera sensor open.
From the relationship of the three elements called Exposure. If in one element changes it will affect the changes in other elements.
Exposure Compensation
Exposure Compensation is a camera feature to change the exposure calculation results from either manual or auto exposure. Usually on a camera symbolized with an EV +/- sign.

Some of you are confused when we can use Exposure Compensation? yes we can use the auto / manual exposure, the photo results can be dark / bright from the previous one. Then increase Exposure Compensation by + 1EV and vice versa, if you want a darker photo, lower it to -1EV or more.
Exposure formula = Shutter Speed + Aperture + ISO = Exposure
Exposure Compensation is not part of the determinants of exposure results. Exposure Compensation only changes the calculation results in auto exposure mode only. If we use a positive Exposure Compensation mode, then the auto exposure result that you get the camera will be brighter than before. If we apply negative Exposure Compensation, the auto exposure calculation will be darker than before.
If you want to understand more about the Exposure Triangle you should try and practice often, because you will become familiar with the practice. In photography visual techniques in shooting are very necessary in order to create a good image in accordance with the light grading.