Tips & Triks

Exposure Triangle Formula in Photography

In the previous article I have discussed the basic introduction to the Exposure Triangle in photography Click Here, and in this article I will discuss an easy formula for those of you who want to learn photography.

There is no right or wrong exposure light / exposure photography setting, it all depends on your own ideas. In general, some photography techniques have a specific exposure formula that you can set.

For photos with dark nuances, for example, to describe a dramatic, mystical atmosphere, sad, in photography terms it is usually called low-key, to get the most out of the atmosphere, the photographer must look for a scene that has a shadow or dark background-dominated conditions. For photos that have too much light intensity commonly called high-key.

Mode Exposure dalam Kamera Digital

Before we photograph an object the first thing to do is setting the exposure mode, usually every mirrorless digital camera model or Dslr has a different symbol on each button but has the same function. Users can choose easily from Automatic, Semi-automatic, Full auto and Manual.

What’s the camera that can be set in exposure mode? the following explanation:

Mode Otomatis atau Full Auto

The Exposure Triangle – This Automatic Mode is usually found with a green symbol on both Canon and Nikon brands and other types of cameras. In this mode the camera determines all settings or aperture settings, openings, and diaphragms, shutterspeed, ISO, flash, and other camera settings to produce photos according to conditions.

But for this lack of Auto mode, the camera cannot know the user’s desires. If you want to produce a dark image while in auto mode the camera sensor will adjust to the light conditions.

Besides Automatic Mode, there are many modes that you can use, namely:


In portrait mode, the object on the camera will be reduced sharpness, so that it can make the face smooth and soft, usually used for photo models. Where the camera will change the large opening of the lens to f1.8, f2, f1.4 etc. according to the camera. then the resulting image has a bokeh background.

Landscape Mode

It’s no stranger to hear the word landscape? landscape photo mode is used to shoot scenes where they are inversely proportional to the portrait, in the lens opening landscape mode is small or above the f6-f22, where the camera focuses more on sharpening the details of photos such as trees and others as far as the eye can see.

Sport dan Night Scene Mode

In sport mode the camera will choose a fast shutter speed to take objects that move fast and usually the flash will automatically turn on.

For photos at night it is also suitable in this mode, because the night scene mode tries to balance the background background with the subject of the photo.

Also Read:

Get to know the Basic Exposure Triangle

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Mode Semi Otomatis

P Program Mode

The camera will determine the value for openings and shutter automatically, at a glance This mode is very similar to full auto but what distinguishes it in this mode we can only specify ISO while other settings are set by the camera.

Aperture Priority (Av)

We can adjust the aperture or aperture, while the shutter will be set by the camera automatically according to the field conditions and the initial set of openings. This mode is perfect for the depth of field.

Shutter Priority dan Manual

In this mode we can determine the shutter speed value and the camera will automatically determine the opening, while for manual mode we can adjust all our camera settings as creative.


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