Government Reasons to Revoke First Media and Bolt Services
JAKARTA – The Ministry of Communication and Information (Ministry of Communication and Information) officially states that it is withdrawing the use of the 2.3 GHz radio frequency band for PT. Internux (Bolt), PT. First Media, Tbk, and PT. Jasnita Telekomindo.
This was conveyed directly by the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology Director General of Post and Information Technology (SDPPI), Ismail, that starting today (12/28/2018) the two operators could no longer use the 2.3GHz frequency. The termination is because they did not fulfill the obligation to pay the User Rights Fee (BHP)
“The termination of the use of the frequency band is done because the three operators cannot fulfill the obligation to pay (BHP) the radio frequency spectrum to the state,” Ismail said when giving a press statement at the Ministry of Communication and Information Office on Friday (12/28/2018).
Based on the Decree of the Minister of Communication and Information Number 1012 of 2018 concerning Revocation of Radio Frequency Band License for the Implementation of Packet Switched Local Fixed Networks that Use 2.3 Ghz Radio Frequency Bands for the Need of PT. Internux. While for PT. First Media, Tbk is stated in Decree Number 1011 of 2018.
Termination of permission also applies to PT. Jasnita Telekomindo based on Kepmen Kominfo number 1013 in 2018. Jasnita herself, in November, has returned permission to use 2.3 GHz radio frequency.
As previously reported, the three companies have been delinquent in BHP from 2016 to 2018. For Bolt and First Media, which is in one umbrella, Lippo Group should pay BHP of Rp. 343.5 billion. While First Media, Rp. 364.8 billion. While Jasnita owed Rp 2.1 billion in debt
* Sindonews