Tips & Triks

3 Quick Ways to Check the Latest Telkomsel Numbers

How to check Telkomsel numbers sometimes becomes very important for you to know, especially when you want to top up your phone credit, which must write down the Telkomsel number to the seller. Or, when you have to tell the number to someone else, but you forget and have not had time to record it.

As one of the leading telecommunication operator companies in Indonesia, Telkomsel has provided several ways to find out the Telkomsel pulse number independently. Here are some of these ways:

1. Check Telkomsel Numbers with Dial Up

One of the easiest and most widely used steps to find out the Telkomsel number is dial up. how do? Here’s the description:

  • On the call screen, please press * 808 #, then press OK / Call / Yes.
  • Shortly, a pop up screen will appear on the screen that explains the Telkomsel number information
  • Immediately record the number or screen screenshot so that your number is stored safely on the cellphone. After that, press “Dismiss” to exit pop up.
  • In addition, if the Telkomsel card still has the remaining credit, you will also get an SMS automatically about the Telkomsel number information that you currently need. It costs around Rp. 55.00 to get this sms service.


2. Mengecek Nomor Telkomsel dengan Aplikasi MyTelkomsel

In addition to dial up, you can also check Telkomsel numbers using the MyTelkomsel application. Not only check Telkomsel numbers, this application also provides various other information, such as number of pulses, data packages, number of points, and so on. The methods are as follows:

  • Download the MyTelkomsel application on the Google Play Store or App Store.
  • Open the MyTelkomsel application that was successfully downloaded, then register your Telkomsel when you first buy it.
  • After your number is registered, please log into the application.
  • Various information about the numbers that have been registered, such as user names, Telkomsel numbers, number of pulses, number of quotas, and number of points, have been seen as a whole.
    To find out more information, you can click line three in the top left of the application.

3. Check Telkomsel Number with Operator Assistance

If you forget to check with dial up and you also don’t have an internet quota to enter the MyTelkomsel application, please call the operator or Telkomsel call center. The methods are as follows:

  • For Simpati, As, and Loop cards, please call 188 call center at a cost of around Rp. 300 to Rp. 400.00.
  • For Halo cards, please call 133 call center for free.
  • For those of you who are overseas and are subject to roaming, please call +6281 1000 0333.
  • To check Telkomsel numbers by using another provider number (XL, Indosat, Tri, etc.), please call 0807 1811 811.


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