Tips & Triks

How to Make a NoFollow Link on WordPress

In this article I will give a tutorial on how to make a nofollow link on wordpress easily with the help of a plugin.

The Gutenberg plugin is a new text editor that has been in default since WordPress 5.0 and above.

Although there are many advantages, there are a number of things that WordPress text editors still cannot do, one of which is creating a nofollow link.

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If you already know what a nofollow link is, then the existence of this feature on Gutenberg will greatly assist users in creating nofollow links. Fortunately again this way in the Gutenberg plugin can be done easily, can be done manually or with the help of the plugin.

Understanding NoFollow Links

NoFollow is an attribute given to a link to tell search engines not to aim at a link. For example in URLs in HTML format, nofollow links can be marked with the rel = “nofollow” attribute.

NoFollow Link function

Links made on wordpress are DoFollow links. this means that search engines can crawl dofollow links and will be indexed according to the quality of the content created and directed to the link.

Using DoFollow links provides content that is on the LINK JUICE of our website. If done the right way, LINK JUICE will benefit both parties.

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What if we don’t provide LINK JUICE? whether it affects the index of content that we make, this is where we can use the nofollow link.

Some positions you can use the nofollow link are as follows:

  • Sponsored links / paid posts
  • Affiliate Link
  • Links to sites with unknown sources

How to Make a Nofollow Link on WordPress

We can use the manual method, but if you have often made Nofollow Links of course there is no harm in using the recommended plugins below:

1. How to Make a nofollow link manually

How to create a nofollow link manually is much different when creating a link on WordPress. The only difference is in adding the nofollow attribute to the link.

Link Nofollow Plugin Gutenberg

If you have already created a link, select the block containing the link, then click the dot icon and use the AS HTML EDIT menu. After that, you can see the link display in the following format:

Anchor text

Add the rel = “nofollow” attribute to create a nofollow link so that the link above will change to:

Anchor text

Remember if you create a link to open a new tab, the link that you have created will be the default attribute of the noreferer and noopener. When creating a nofollow link, you can just change the link to the sample code below:

Anchor text

2. How to Make a Nofollow Link with a Plugin

There are a number of suggested plugins for creating nofollow links. Unfortunately most if you use a plugin must be set manually and work on a set of commands only.

A recommendation that you can use is the Gutenberg Page Building Toolkit – Editorskit plugin made by Jeffret Carandang.

make a no follow link on the wordpress pluginThe function of this plugin helps you to create nofollow links, many of the features provided by this gutenberg plugin include Markdown support, syntax highlighter, activating blocks on devices, and many more.

If you have installed the plugin, creating a nofollow link is the same as creating a link as usual. When you add a link a Nofollow option will appear that you can directly use.

That’s the tutorial that I can deliver, if you find a new plugin that is more complete and easier to create a nofollow link, you can write it in the comments column. Hope this article helps you guys.


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